Lawrence Public School

Always Your Best

Telephone02 6647 7354


Teacher: Mrs Helen Hamilton

Class happenings 

Our 13 students have settled into class routine remarkably well and are becoming enthusiastically involved in all learning activities. Their favourite times of the day are recess and lunch, also free time and singing! Despite this they are already learning fast and I am happy with their progress.

I have finished the Best Start testing and will soon be holding parent interviews to discuss students' results. Parents will be given a very useful set of pointers for helping their children at home in Maths and English.  

Homework will be sent home on Monday February 18th with lots of instructions!      

Things to remember!

Library books can be changed on Fridays.  Banking can be done on Fridays. Homework  is sent home on Mondays and is due in on Fridays.

Please remember to name all of your child's belongings clearly so that they (the clothes) can be identified when left behind at school!!

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